Packers for Pals

What's This?

Packers for Pals is an initiative aimed at improving access to gender-affirming items for transmasculine folks. In short, the program runs like this:

  • I crochet packers (prosthetic penises) and post each finished packer to our Instagram account.
  • Trans folks across the country can claim a packer and submit their shipping info.
  • I ship it to them at no charge to the recipient.

As of April 2023, I’ve given out over 115 packers to transmasculine people around the world. I’ve shipped to five countries, and gotten some fantastic feedback from recipients of the packers.

At the March for Queer & Trans Youth Autonomy in Washington, D.C. alone, I gave away 42 packers.

Press Coverage

No press coverage yet, but I promise it's a super cool project!

How can I learn more?

Here's a link with more info!